Program Requirements


The Department of East Asian Studies (EAS) offers Minor (4.0 Full Course Equivalents [FCEs]), Major (7.0 FCEs) and Specialist (10 FCEs) programs.

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion of the program requires 10.0 FCEs, meeting the following requirements:

1. EAS103H1 and EAS105H1, normally taken in the first year;
2. EAS209H1, highly recommended to be taken in the second year;
3. At least third-year proficiency in Chinese, Korean or Japanese, either by completing an appropriate language course (e.g. EAS300Y1/​ EAS310Y1/​ EAS320Y1 or a 400-level language course) or by demonstrating the required proficiency in the initial placement. Students whose placement assessment exempts them from the requirement must substitute Society-Culture courses or courses in one of the other languages offered;
4. A minimum of 5.0 Society-Culture FCEs, with at least 4.0 FCEs at the 300-level or above, of which at least 1.0 FCE must be at the 400-level;
5. Additional EAS courses to a total of 10.0 FCEs; and
6. 2.5 FCEs may be courses on East Asia offered by other departments.

Note: First-year students should take EAS103H1 and EAS105H1, a first-year language course (unless placed in an upper-year language course by the department), and may take up to 1.0 Society-Culture FCE at the 200-level.

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

Completion of the program requires 7.0 FCEs, meeting the following requirements:

1. EAS103H1 and EAS105H1, normally taken in the first year;
2. EAS209H1, highly recommended to be taken in the second year;
3. At least second-year proficiency in Chinese, Korean or Japanese, either by completing an appropriate language course (e.g. EAS201H1/​ EAS200Y1/​ EAS210Y1/​ EAS211Y1/​ EAS212H1/​ EAS220Y1/​ EAS221H1 or a higher level language course) or by demonstrating the required proficiency in the initial placement. Students whose placement assessment exempts them from the requirement must substitute Society-Culture courses or courses in one of the other languages offered;
4. A minimum of 3.0 Society-Culture FCEs, with at least 2.0 FCEs at the 300-level or above, of which at least 0.5 FCE must be at the 400-level;
5. Additional EAS courses to a total of 7.0 FCEs; and
6. 1.5 FCE may be courses on East Asia offered by other departments.

Note: First-year students should take EAS103H1 and EAS105H1, a first-year language course (unless placed in an upper-year language course by the department), and may take up to 1.0 Society-Culture FCE at the 200-level.

This is an open enrolment program. A student who has completed 4.0 credits may enrol in the program.

1. EAS103H1 and EAS105H1;
2. 3.0 Society-Culture FCEs, one of which must be 300/400-level; and
3. 1.0 FCE may be courses on East Asia offered by other departments.

Language courses cannot be used to fulfill the requirements of the Minor program.

The EAS core course sequence is the foundation of the three programs. Two core courses, EAS103H1 Premodern East Asia and EAS105H1 Modern East Asia, are required for all three programs. EAS209H1 Critical Approaches to East Asia is required of Majors and Specialists. The core courses must be taken in sequence, and we recommend taking them as soon as you can. EAS105H1 is a “gateway” prerequisite for 300-level EAS courses, while EAS209H1 is required for 400-level courses.  

Our Major and Specialist programs have a language requirement: second-year proficiency for our Major and third-year for the Specialist. Students who are already proficient in one of the languages offered may fulfill the language requirement by taking a placement test. If you do so, you will replace the language courses you would have taken with courses in one of the other languages or Society-Culture courses. 

The majority of your EAS courses will be Society-Culture courses. Each program requires a certain number of Society-Culture courses, with a certain number of those being at the 300-level or above. The Major requires a half course at the 400-level, while the Specialist requires 1.0 FCE. 

A number of courses on East Asia offered by other departments may be taken by EAS students and counted towards their program requirements. The courses that can be counted are listed in the EAS section of the Faculty of Arts & Science Calendar under Society-Culture Courses on East Asia Offered by Other Departments. Specialists may take up to 2.5 credits offered by non-EAS departments; Majors up to 1.5 and Minors up to 1.0. 

Students seeking counselling should contact the Associate Chair, Undergraduate, but all faculty members of the department will be happy to provide advice and information about their course offerings. 

Track your progress through an EAS program on Degree Explorer. Questions about your program requirements? Please email the EAS Program Administrator.