Demarcating a Pure Land: CFido as a Cyberspace for Computer Amateurs in 1990s China

When and Where

Friday, March 21, 2025 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
EAS Lounge, 14th Floor
Robarts Library


Prof. Chen-Pang Yeang , Institute for the History & Philosophy of Science & Technology, University of Toronto


2-4pm, March 21, 2025

EAS Lounge


The bulletin board system (BBS) significantly changed the production and transmission of knowledge in China’s information technology (IT). Launched in 1991, Chinese FidoNet (CFido) provided a virtual space for hobbyists to explore technology-for-fun and aggregated many future Chinese digital entrepreneurs, enabling them to experiment with business models and pursue open-source software with Chinese characters. CFido’s short history (1991–1998) also encapsulates the fast-changing dynamic between knowledge and its social context. CFido participants first perceived the BBS as a utopian“pure land” where grassroots intellectuals could develop software and digital technologies, free from outside interests and interventions. Yet the beginning of government control of cyberspace, the boom of the IT industry and e-commerce, and the transition from the dial-up BBS to the Internet led the CFidoers to diverging positions about amateurs and ultimately brought CFido to an end.